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Pradaxa Injury Attorney

*Please note that we are no longer accepting clients for Pradaxa Injury claims

When someone suffers from certain medical conditions that include an irregular heartbeat, such a situation triggers the possibility of other problems and dangerous issues arising. An irregular heartbeat, also known as arrhythmia, is caused by an electrical problem in and around the heart. When a heartbeat is irregular, it can lead to blood clotting in that area of the body. Blood thinners, also known as anticoagulants, are used to prevent this clotting. One of the most popular drugs in recent years is known as Pradaxa. Sadly, Pradaxa injury lawyers have been busy recently because so many consumers are claiming to have been harmed as a result of using this medication.

If this includes you or someone you love, contact a Pradaxa attorney as soon as possible so that you can have your legal rights and options evaluated. Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC offers free consultations online, or by calling (888)640-3784.

Why Choose Us for Your Pradaxa Injury Lawyer?

  • Mark Shapiro, our founding mass tort attorney, has been handling cases, such as Pradaxa for more than 20 years.
  • Our Pradaxa lawsuit attorney only specializes in mass tort litigation, giving us insight and specialized knowledge to handle your case.
  • At Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC, we ensure that any negligent parties are held responsible for your injuries by pursuing the maximum possible compensation you need to make a full recovery.

About Pradaxa

Pradaxa is a drug that is a member of a class of medications known as direct thrombin inhibitors. Pradaxa is manufactured by Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a company based in Germany. Pradaxa was originally approved for use in the United States in 2010. It was approved as an alternative to warfarin, which was the dominant anticoagulant medication used in the country at the time. Pradaxa enjoyed immediate success, as the medication generated more than $1 billion in revenue during 2012 alone. As such, Pradaxa became a major component of its manufacturer’s offerings.

Alleged Pradaxa Side Effects

Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before allegations of Pradaxa side effects began to emerge. In 2011, even prior to its enormous sales year in 2012, more than 3,700 adverse events relating to Pradaxa were reported publicly. While there were different types of alleged Pradaxa side effects, the most serious involved allegations that using the medication led to internal bleeding. Unlike warfarin, the medication that Pradaxa largely replaced, there was no known for this bleeding problem associated with Pradaxa. Sadly, that meant that people who developed this problem faced very dangerous medical situations. Many of them decided to file a lawsuit with a Pradaxa injury lawyer.

The Pradaxa Multidistrict Litigation (MDL)

Allegations of Pradaxa side effects were so prevalent that thousands of Pradaxa lawsuits were filed. Ultimately, more than 2,000 of these cases were consolidated into one federal action. These types of matters that are consolidated are known as multidistrict litigations, or MDLs. The Pradaxa MDL is moving forward in Illinois, and as is always the case with MDLs, the allegations contained in the individual lawsuits are largely the same: that the makers of Pradaxa either knew or should have known about the potential for bleeding problems in patients who used the drug.