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Stage 2 of Kidney Failure

March 12, 2022 In Kidney Failure,Truvada,Zantac

Kidney failure is a serious condition that occurs when your kidneys stop filtering waste products from your blood. Medical professionals classify kidney failure into two categories: acute, which occurs when your kidneys suddenly stop working; and chronic, which occurs when your kidneys see a gradual decline in function over time.

Experts categorize chronic kidney disease into five stages based on symptom progression and severity. During stage 2 kidney failure, kidney function decreases significantly, and symptoms may become more noticeable. 

How Is Kidney Failure Diagnosed?

Doctors use several tests to diagnose kidney failure. Most often, doctors take a sample of your urine or blood and measure for certain substances. For example, during a blood test, your doctor may look for substances that your kidneys typically filter out. If you have higher-than-normal levels of these substances, you likely have kidney disease.

People with kidney disease often have low urine output and unusual substances in their urine. During a urinalysis, your doctor will look for substances that indicate declining kidney function, like proteins or sediment. He or she may also take a urine volume measurement to analyze your output.

Stages of kidney failure are characterized by your estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), which is a measure of how well the kidneys are filtering out waste. During stage 1 kidney failure, for example, the eGFR is 90 or higher. In stage 5, eGFR is less than 15.

What are the symptoms of stage 2 kidney failure?

Symptoms of Stage 2 Kidney Failure

During stage 2 kidney failure, your eGFR measures between 60–89. Your kidneys are still operational, so you may not notice any symptoms at all. You may experience signs of kidney damage, such as protein in your urine, or nonspecific symptoms like weakness, fatigue, and a loss of appetite.

Some patients with stage 2 kidney failure also experience the following symptoms.

  • Swelling in the legs and feet
  • Abnormally high blood pressure
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Decreased urine output

If you experience any symptoms of kidney failure or notice anything unusual with your urine, seek medical attention as soon as possible. The earlier that you detect kidney disease, the more likely you are to stop or slow its progression. 

How to Treat Stage 2 Kidney Failure

If you are diagnosed with stage 2 kidney failure, you will need to speak with your doctor to create an appropriate treatment plan. Your physician may also connect you with a kidney specialist who can help monitor and manage your condition. 

At this stage, treatment typically involves addressing the underlying causes of the disease as well as making healthy lifestyle modifications. Kidney failure usually progresses faster in people with comorbidities, such as diabetes, heart failure, and high blood pressure. By treating these conditions, you can improve your overall health while slowing the progression of the condition.

It is also important to make healthy choices to support your kidney health. Your doctor will likely recommend that you make the following changes to your lifestyle.

  • Quit smoking
  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes per day
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Eat a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
  • Avoid foods that are processed, refined, or high in cholesterol or saturated fat

Your kidney specialist will routinely monitor your blood and urine for issues, such as sediment or protein in the urine, and update you on the disease’s progress. He or she will also talk to you about other risk factors that may impact your condition, such as age, heredity, and comorbidities.  

Is There a Cure for Kidney Failure?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for kidney disease, and you cannot reverse the condition once it begins. However, there are ways to slow or even stop the progression of kidney failure if you receive treatment early on. If you notice any symptoms of kidney failure or notice anything unusual with your urine, go to the doctor as soon as possible. Follow your physician’s instructions on managing the disease, such as quitting smoking or maintaining a healthy weight. 

Sometimes, an underlying condition is contributing to or aggravates kidney failure, like diabetes or high blood pressure. In these cases, follow your doctor’s instructions for treating these conditions to help alleviate their impact on your health. 

What Causes Kidney Disease?

There are several factors that contribute to and cause kidney failure. According to the National Kidney Foundation, high blood pressure and diabetes are among the most common causes of kidney failure. Kidney injuries, genetics, urine elimination problems, and infections can also lead to this condition. In some cases, people experience kidney failure due to dangerous and defective medication.

For example, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recalled Zantac, a popular heartburn medication, after patients started developing cancer and kidney problems due to the. condition. Truvada, which is used to treat and reduce the risk of HIV infection, also has a history of causing kidney failure and other kidney problems in their patients. 

Filing a Lawsuit after Kidney Failure

If you used to take a medication that has been shown to cause kidney failure, you may be eligible for legal action. Victims of dangerous and defective drugs have the right to pursue a lawsuit against the medications’ manufacturers and recover compensatory damages for the losses that they sustained.

By filing a lawsuit, you can secure a settlement to pay for your financial losses related to your kidney failure, as well as the physical and emotional pain and suffering that you endured. Common types of damages in defective drug claims include the following.

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages during treatment and recovery
  • Loss of future earnings if your injury prevents you from returning to work
  • Disability accommodations, such as mobility equipment
  • Emotional distress and mental anguish
  • Chronic pain
  • Permanent disability
  • Loss of quality of life

It can be difficult to know whether you qualify for a defective drug lawsuit. In these situations, it is important to consult with an attorney who has experience representing clients in litigation against the manufacturer of your medication. After receiving medical attention for your condition, contact a Zantac lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your case and identify your optimal path to recovery.